Day: 11/04/2017

Follow the River’s Course

Caught in eddy pools
Swimming against life’s currents
Taken by the flow

Find the river’s course
As it flows through the desert
Oasis of life

written in response to this week’s prompt – “swim” – at Haiku Horizons

Idle Hands Unravel

A cord of three strands
Shall not be quickly broken –
But beware idle hands,
Which pick and unravel –
Returning to weak single threads

written in response to today’s prompt at The Daily Post, and inspired in part by a reversal of Ecclesiastes 4:12 – a cord of three strands, returned to one overpowered.

Jericho within Sight

Eyes cast in wonder
Spies enter the Promised Land
Jericho in sight

Rahab offered sanctuary
Her family offered mercy

written in response to this week’s RonovanWrites Weekly Haiku Poetry Prompt Challenge #144 – “Wonder” and “Spy”, and inspired by Joshua 2

BOP #NaPiWriMo2017 #GloPoWriMo2017

B orn under a cloud
O vercast by fear and doubt –
P aradise awaits

Day 11 of Na/GloPoWriMo2017 presents a prompt challenge too far (for the moment) from : the Bop. The invention of poet Afaa Michael Weaver, the Bop is a kind of combination sonnet + song. Like a Shakespearan sonnet, it introduces, discusses, and then solves (or fails to solve) a problem. Like a song, it relies on refrains and repetition. In the basic Bop poem, a six-line stanza introduces the problem, and is followed by a one-line refrain. The next, eight-line stanza discusses and develops the problem, and is again followed by the one-line refrain. Then, another six-line stanza resolves or concludes the problem, and is again followed by the refrain.

My acrostic haiku presents a problem, develops it, and provides the solution in rather fewer words.