
Faith Unlocked

Friends, the post which follows was written following the events in Orlando last summer – I didn’t have the courage of my convictions to post it at the time partly as I know Christian friends, US citizens, who felt very strongly about their constitutional right to own guns. After the events in Las Vegas this past weekend, I cannot hold back publishing any longer. For ‘Orlando’ you could easily read ‘Las Vegas’.

God help us all.

-13 June 2016-

Friends in the USA, what follows is not my usual style of post, but the events in Orlando on Sunday, and the reaction I have seen to this atrocity both in the media and amongst the blogging community have prompted me to write. I have paused 24 hours, I have considered the fact that this is a highly emotive subject in your country, and that many who read this will continue…

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Eternity Bides

Where hearts and souls meet
Whence the world would see us part –
Eternity bides

written in response to this week’s Ronovan Writes Weekly Haiku Poetry Prompt Challenge #318 “Meet” and “Part”

Life is…

Life’s looping script begun to dull –
time to read what may follow next;
moving on, mortally perplexed –
self-loathing’s self-directed cull.

Chapters never lived to the full,
Stifled text, no pace to the plot
prompting the page-turn, phrasing not
teasing with syntax nor sentence;
no Third Act testing my patience.
Last page: The End. (life is the dot…)

Written following Ronovan’s Decima Challenge on RonovanWrites – “Next”/a>

Cast the Lies to the Fire

Cast the fool’s lies into the fire –
Burn, O pyre of public disdain!
May truth’s bright light never once wane,
Untruth-fuell’d flames lick ever high’r,
Fed by each word spoke by the Liar.
Each falsehood stoked, tinder’d and torch’d,
His vile fork’d tongue seared and scorch’d;
As each foul breath uttered ignites,
Deception melts, judgement alights –
Truth triumphant; the Liar scourged!

Written following Ronovan’s Weekly Decima Challenge on RonovanWrites – #08 “Fire”