Quotes on God’s Promises

“God has promised forgiveness to your repentance, but He has not promised tomorrow to your procrastination.”
― Augustine of Hippo

“Let God’s promises shine on your problems.”
― Corrie ten Boom

“I had a choice: I could believe the lies of the devil, in which case I was on my way to suicide, or I could believe in the promises of God, and be taken through my time of trial.”
― Angus Buchan, Faith Like Potatoes: The Story of a Farmer Who Risked Everything for God

“True faith means holding nothing back. It means putting every hope in God’s fidelity to His Promises.”
― Francis Chan, Crazy Love: Overwhelmed by a Relentless God

“When our trials come, when we feel pain and suffering, when our tears flow again, it is our joy and comfort to lift our faces heavenward and to go on, standing on the promises of God.”
― W.A. Criswell

“If you think God has promised this world will be a five-star hotel, you will be miserable as you live through the normal struggles of life. But if you remember that God promised we would be pilgrims and this world may feel more like a desert or even a prison, you might find your life surprisingly happy.”
― Kevin DeYoung, Just Do Something: A Liberating Approach to Finding God’s Will

“And yet some people actually imagine that the revelation in God’s Word is not enough to meet our needs. They think that God from time to time carries on an actual conversation with them, chatting with them, satisfying their doubts, testifying to His love for them, promising them support and blessings. As a result, their emotions soar; they are full of bubbling joy that is mixed with self-confidence and a high opinion of themselves. The foundation for these feelings, however, does not lie within the Bible itself, but instead rests on the sudden creations of their imaginations. These people are clearly deluded. God’s Word is for all of us and each of us; He does not need to give particular messages to particular people.”
― Jonathan Edwards

“One of the most poisonous of all Satan’s whispers is simply, “Things will never change.” That lie kills expectation, trapping our heart forever in the present. To keep desire alive and flourishing, we must renew our vision for what lies ahead. Things will not always be like this. Jesus has promised to “make all things new.” Eye has not seen, ear has not heard all that God has in store for his lovers, which does not mean “we have no clue so don’t even try to imagine,” but rather, you cannot outdream God. Desire is kept alive by imagination, the antidote to resignation. We will need imagination, which is to say, we will need hope. ”
― John Eldredge, The Sacred Romance: Drawing Closer to the Heart of God

“You are indicting your unbelief by distrusting God’s goodness, and you are bringing greater misery upon yourself by disparaging God’s blessing. For if you had trust in God’s grace and promises, you would undoubtedly be supported. But because you do not hope in the Lord, you will never prosper.”
― Martin Luther, The Sermons of Martin Luther: 7 Volumes

“God never made a promise that was too good to be true.”
― D.L. Moody

“Every promise of Scripture is a writing of God, which may be pleaded before Him with this reasonable request, ‘Do as Thou hast said.’ The Heavenly Father will not break His Word to His own child.”
― Charles H. Spurgeon

“God never calls His people to accomplish anything without promising to supply their every need.”
― Charles R. Swindoll

“We can’t, and we should not, compare sufferings. We come together as a family of God, hand in hand. And then together coming and standing upon the promises of God, knowing that no matter who you are, no matter what you’re going through, that God knows it, He is with you, He is going to pull you through.”
― Nick Vujicic

“God’s plan is not to abandon this world, the world which he said was “very good.” Rather, he intends to remake it. And when he does he will raise all his people to new bodily life to live in it. That is the promise of the Christian gospel.”
― N.T. Wright, Simply Christian: Why Christianity Makes Sense

You can now read more quotes on God’s promises here


  1. ““One of the most poisonous of all Satan’s whispers is simply, “Things will never change.” That lie kills expectation, trapping our heart forever in the present. To keep desire alive and flourishing, we must renew our vision for what lies ahead. Things will not always be like this. Jesus has promised to “make all things new.” Eye has not seen, ear has not heard all that God has in store for his lovers, which does not mean “we have no clue so don’t even try to imagine,” but rather, you cannot outdream God. Desire is kept alive by imagination, the antidote to resignation. We will need imagination, which is to say, we will need hope. ”
    ― John Eldredge, The Sacred Romance: Drawing Closer to the Heart of God

    Love it! Just what I need right now. Thanks for posting these great quotes.

  2. I had to share your Jonathan Edwards quote on Facebook. I know many who believe they have conversations with God, not the Word, but God. They look for God to tell them what to do, not his Word which he left for us. Mmmmm, I think I will do a post on this.

  3. Thank you for these. I’ve been feeling stressed lately, and some of these quotes touched me right where I was hurting, and they’ve helped heal me. Again, thank you.

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